How to change the built-in domain name on your Squarespace website

When you first create a Squarespace website, Squarespace will automatically assign you a built-in domain which consists of two random words and a string of characters. For example I was given the domain

The Squarespace URL is a subdomain that won’t be the final domain users use to access your website once it’s published, you most likely will be purchasing a domain through Squarespace or a third party provider such as GoDaddy or Bluehost. For example my final purchased domain is which once I connected it to my Squarespace website became the primary domain that users go to.

So why change the built-in domain when you don’t have to? I have two reasons why this is one of the first things I do when I start a Squarespace website since connecting the purchased domain is one of the last tasks that is done:

  1. It’s usually such a strange combination of words that it’s hard to remember when I’m viewing the website out of edit mode. While building the website I always want to check it out on different devices and browsers to make sure it looks good. Creating a custom built-in domain just helps me remember and type out the domain a lot easier (especially on my phone!).

  2. Iit just looks more professional when you send the link to clients or family and friends to review the website before it goes live.

I try to make the domain as relevant as possible, it’s normally the client’s business name, but remember it’s not the final domain so it’s ok if it’s not an exact match to the name. You are able to change the name more than once if you’d like to and you can change it to anything you’d like just as long as it isn’t taken.

To change the built-in domain go to Settings > Domains > Built In Domain > Under “Site ID” change the text to what you’d like > Save


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